Praise Report! Jason Crabb Concert
What a night at the Jason Crabb concert back on June 1st! I must say, Jason is one of the most talented artists we've helped bring to the Northeast since we started this ministry and the night was truly Spirit-filled. Unfortunately, going into the event we were facing a large financial shortfall due to poor ticket sales. Nothing we haven't faced before in our pursuit to bring these encouraging events to one of the "least churched" areas of the country. The days leading up to the concert we prayed we would be able to meet our financial obligations like we've had to in the past.
On our drive from the airport to the church in Easton Jason asked me about the ministry of Fuse and why I felt called to this ministry here in New England. Seeing the impact that was being made on our region Jason decided to take time out of the concert to share my heart for this ministry and took an offering for Fuse. When the offering was collected we were in awe of the support. Offering plates were overflowing!
Once again God had provided for our ministry to allow us to continue sharing His love through music! Thank you to all who attended and gave that night. Through you God encouraged us in our ministry and we will be able to continue to bring gifted artists like Jason to the Northeast!

If you would like to make a donation to our ministry click here. Fuse is a 501c3 non-profit ministry.